martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Level 6th (curso 6º)

Monday 23rd, March, 2020

Hello girls and boys!

Ola a todos! Como estades? Espero que xa un pouco máis acostumados a  esta nova situación de quedar na casa. E seguro que atopades tempo para entrar neste blog e así intentar manter un pouco o fío do traballo escolar.
O último día de clase levastes os libros e cadernos de INGLÉS para facer as actividades que faltaban da unidade 5. Por se xa as rematastes, vou ir deixando aquí algunhas propostas de actividades como reforzo dos contidos traballados na clase (listening, reading, writing...) para que as vaiades realizando de xeito voluntario e ao ritmo que poidades cada un de vós. Ánimo!

  • In Unit 5 we listened and read the story about how Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine to beat smallpox. In the 18th century smallpox was a terrible desease, it killed the 10 % of the population every year. 
      Curiously, we can connect this fact to our serious  reality by the coronavirus epidemic today.
  • Listen to these two videos to remember the story:


How we beat smallpox


The Edward Jenner story 

  • Now, read the sentences and circle the correct word. 
(podedes escribir as repostas nun folio ou nunha libreta que teñades libre) 

1-E.Jenner lived in a big city/a village
2-E.Jenner was a doctor/a nurse.
3-Smallpox was/wasn't a serious desease. 
4-Smallpox was more/less serious than cowpox. 
5-In the 18th century smallpox killed  few/many people. 
6- People who worked with cows were protected from the smallpox/cowpox.
7-The doctor tested his treatment with animals/people.
8-Finally, E. Jenner called that treatment vaccination/vacca.

  • As a review of the Simple Past, order and write the sentences: 
1-in/E. Jenner/was born/1749. 



5-the/against/discovered/E. Jenner/smallpox/vaccine.




Have you finished?
Well done!
We'll continue next Wednedday.


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